Monday, April 11, 2011

Why are you in the Friend Zone (LJBF*)? The 2 most common mistakes men make (Part1 & 2)

Why are you in the Friend Zone (LJBF*)? 
The 2 most common mistakes men make (Part1)

*LJBF stands for «Let’s Just Be Friends».

The first most common mistake made by men is to believe that their desires for a woman/girl are automatically and undoubtedly known to her.

Maybe they put too much faith in the women’s ability to sense a man’s  attraction, the famous ‘woman intuition’.
Or maybe they don’t give it much thought. As if, somehow, their intentions and desires were inevitably shared by the girl they feel connection with or arousal for… Because everything is clear… Or so they think.

So, what happens when a man, holding this kind of underlying belief based on pure speculation, tries to share his feelings (with), touch or kiss her?
He gets rejected and/or LBJF’d. Sometimes he doesn’t even understand why.

Well, it’s because he didn’t give her clear signs of emotional or sexual interest.
How can you get the girl you want if you don’t show these signs? You can’t.

Contrary to what most men think, a girl doesn’t always know what they have in mind when talking to her. You could just have a convivial or fun moment together. If you don’t show her you want more BEFORE to try some kino or verbally express interest in her, she won’t be prepared for it… And you might get rejected or seen as creepy (touching her for no reason).
So, (if she’s polite) she very well might take your hand of her knee, neck… and tell you: «let’s just be friends, ok?» (The «ok?» here is rhetorical, she made her choice, at least for now.)...

If you want to read the rest of this article, come on our website by clicking HERE

Now, for the second most common mistake guys make/made and cause them to be LJBF(ed), come and visit our website to read the second part of this article and learn more, much more.

Now, the second part of this article. Why are you in, and how to get out of, the Friend Zone?

Why are you in the Friend Zone (LJBF*)?
The 2 most common mistakes men make (Part 2)

*LJBF stands for « Let’s Just Be Friends ».

You really seem to don’t have a clue on how to get the girl… Why? Because…

- YOU are acting as a friend. Meaning you’re putting yourself in the Friend Zone.

This point is similar to the previous one but deeper in its origin and consequences.
Most of guys still believe (despite all of the material out there and now on our website) they have to always be nice, available, comforting, kind… in order to ‘get the girl‘. They also compliment (and agree with) her too much because they think that they need to be liked first. Then, they can seduce her more easily.

They are completely wrong. The most important thing you must understand is that you can't make a woman feel attraction towards you by being nice to her.
Because when you are kind, available… You are building comfort but no attraction. Seduction is a combination of comfort and attraction. You need to arouse her.
If you only build comfort, you’ll only obtain friendship. End of the story.

Also, as you behave as someone wanting something from her, she has all the power. So, you loose value in her eyes as it would be too easy to ‘have you’.

I don’t suggest you act like an ass to attract her. I certainly don’t subscribe to the ‘bad guy’ myth anyway (I will explain this illusion seemingly validated by some women’s choice of guys in a later article). BUT you need to learn how to REALLY behave to make her attracted to you. Not only comfortable with you… Thus how to get out of the Friend Zone. Therefore avoiding being LJBF’d.

And this is exactly the kind of knowledge we will give you.

But, if you’re already in the Friend Zone with a particular girl you like, you can start by...

If you want to read the rest of this article, come on our website by clicking HERE

But, remember, to effectively avoid being LJBF’d (and get out of the friend zone) the best way is for you to be regarded as a potential lover/boyfriend… And there are proper behaviors to adopt to achieve that efficiently. Behaviors you can learn by reading PUA books and purchasing PUA methods. (Let’s NOT Just Be Friends) is the First PUA (PickUp Artist. See our "PUA Dictionary") website allowing you to avoid "LJBF" and showing you how to get out of the Friend Zone.
Learn innovative and efficient PUA routines, tips, techniques and PUA methods to teach you how to get the girl you want by being a successful seducer, not just a friend.…

Tags: LJBF, avoid LJBF, How to get out of the friend zone, get out of the friend zone, out of the friend zone, How to get the girl, get the girl, how to get the girl you want*

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